Lanark County Community Action Network
The Lanark County Community Action Network (LCCAN) seeks to foster the empowerment of people living in poverty and their allies, who wish to have their voices heard, through collective organizing and action. Participants meet to discuss current events & social justice issues and to work together to create positive change within the community. This group is geared to lower-income community members, but allies are also welcome.
LCCAN is currently meeting in person with an option to join virtually, on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month from 10am-noon.
Please contact Stephanie at or 613-267-6428 x 104 for more information about how to participate by phone or computer. Also, please see our terms of reference below.
Mission Statement
LCCAN is a voluntary organization with a deep interest in taking action on social justice issues. Through collective organizing and action it works to foster the empowerment of people living in poverty and their allies who wish to have their voices heard.

General Objectives
The genesis of LCCAN was the Social Justice Club at The Table Community Food Centre (CFC) as a means to take concrete actions for social change in our community.
LCCAN is directed by The Table’s mission “to foster a healthier and more connected community” by advocating for policies that address social inequality.
LCCAN meetings take place twice a month on the first and third Thursdays from 10:00 am to noon.
Members meet to discuss current events, social justice issues, with a focus on Lanark County, as well as work to create positive change within the community.
Generally, active LCCAN members direct the focus of issues being addressed. At times, small working groups can be formed to work on specific issues.
Membership Expectations
As a Community Action Network, under the auspices of The Table, the group adheres to the policies and practices of the organization, with specific attention to the Volunteer Policy, Workplace Violence & Harassment Policy and Political Activity Policy.
The expectation is that members will attend the formal volunteer orientation associated with The Table.
Active Members attend regularly to discuss issues relevant to Lanark County.
Without any pressure and depending on interest, skills, capacities and availability, members may:
Participate in letter-writing campaigns;
Attend meetings with office holders to present key advocacy points and press for concrete actions with respect to community injustices;
Undertake training and workshops to increase knowledge and skills related to taking action;
Assist in the mobilization of community members at large, and
Become knowledgeable about community issues to speak credibly if and when called upon.
Because LCCAN operates as a collective under the auspices of The Table, the agreement must be reached by the membership including the Social Justice anAdvocacy Coordinator before taking action in LCCAN’s name. This includes actions such as letter writing, reaching out to officeholders, organizing community actions or events etc.
Individuals are free to undertake actions, however, without group agreement, membership in LCCAN should not be referenced.
Decision-making for LCCAN is reached by consensus. Consensus does not mean complete agreement. It implies an agreement that one can live with. If consensus cannot be reached by members it does not preclude individuals from acting on their own.